Lausanne: Celebrating One Year of Work’n’Share

Tchin! Happy to share with you a few pics from our first year anniversary at ‪Work’n’Share‬. We had about 100 coworkers and guests taking part to the event on June 30, and great local entrepreneurs as partners who shared their experience and products. See you all next...

Thoughts from our first Swiss Coworking Unconference #UCcowoCH

For the first time after one year longing for it, since our 2015 General Assembly in Bern, the Coworking Switzerland Association community was invited to gather in Fribourg, last week, for the First Swiss Coworking Unconference, a.k.a. #UCcowoCH. The day was full of...

Calling for Action! 3,2,1…

Waaaow! A lot is going on on our side and we would like to thank you all again for all friendly and great support you’ve been giving us. Members and friends… You are great! Our community is growing and growing and we want more. The information is fresh and...

Our First Unconference #UCcowoCH

Hi Coworking CH members and friends! We are very proud to announce and invite you to the very first Swiss Coworking Unconference. Our community is growing and we need all of you to take part into this! We will meet in Fribourg, Switzerland, June 28th 2016, at BCF Safe...