Coworking boomt in der Schweiz.

Am 27. Juni trafen sich 50 Betreiberinnen und Betreiber von Coworking Spaces in Fribourg. An diesen Tag diskutierten sie über die exponentielle Entwicklung von Coworking in der Schweiz, die Attraktivität dieser Arbeitsweisen, ihr «Manifesto» sowie das Profil von...

Swiss Delegation at Coworking Europe Conference

This year’s Coworking Europe Conference took place in the colorful and vibrant city of Dublin from November 8 – 10th. We, a delegation of 15 Swiss members, joined the conference from the very beginning.

Join our National UnConference! – Un-what?

In 3 weeks we will have our second edition of Coworking Switzerland *unconference* at Impact Hub in Bern, and we are very impatient! This meetup is the best occasion for sharing our enthusiasm and projects regarding coworking with people from all over the country. And...